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Nina B. Zumel

Dyson's Algorithm: The General Case

For the case where 3M(1/2)(3n3)=Mmax, the algorithm works basically the same way, except that the coin labels are not chosen sequentially from the integers 1:M. Instead, they are assigned from groups of “weighing triplets,” or cyclic groups, in a way that keeps the scale counts equal on the first round.

We can now use the same weighing schedule as in the M=Mmax case, with a little extra bookkeeping to keep the scale counts equal on every round. As before, the scale will spell out the label of the dud coin if the dud is heavy, or the label’s negation, if the dud is light.

To make this concrete, I’ll use the example of n=3 weighings, which corresponds to Mmax=12 possible weighings. Let’s look again at the forward representations for 12 coins. You can find the code I’m calling here.

library(poorman) # dplyr will work here, too

nrounds = 3
Fmat = get_forward_representation(nrounds)
##       [,1] [,2] [,3]
##  [1,]    0    0    1
##  [2,]    0    1   -1
##  [3,]    0    1    0
##  [4,]    0    1    1
##  [5,]    1   -1   -1
##  [6,]    1   -1    0
##  [7,]    1   -1    1
##  [8,]   -1    0    1
##  [9,]   -1    0    0
## [10,]   -1    0   -1
## [11,]    1    1   -1
## [12,]   -1   -1    0

1. Create “weighing triplets”.

We’ll start with the label [0 0 1], and increase each digit by 1 modulo 3, to get a new forward label, [1 1 -1]. We’ll call this a cyclic shift. Then we’ll take the new label, and shift it again to make a triplet.

[0 0 1] (1)
[1 1 -1] (11)
[-1 -1 0] (12) # -12, actually, but this is the forward representation

Now get the next unassigned label (which is [0 1 -1] = 2), and make another triplet, and so on, until all the labels are assigned to a group. This results in Mmax/3 groups. For this example, that’s 4 groups. You can think of each group as a “weighing triplet,” because every weighing of those three coins together has one coin on the left, one on the right, and one on the table, every round.

Here are all the labels, their groups, and the digits of the forward representations.

gps = create_cyclic_groups(nrounds)

M_max = (3^nrounds - 3)/2
gpmap = data.frame(group = gps, coin_label = 1:M_max)
gpmap = cbind(gpmap, data.frame(Fmat))

arrange(gpmap, group, coin_label) |> knitr::kable()
group coin_label X1 X2 X3
1 1 0 0 1
1 11 1 1 -1
1 12 -1 -1 0
2 2 0 1 -1
2 6 1 -1 0
2 8 -1 0 1
3 3 0 1 0
3 7 1 -1 1
3 10 -1 0 -1
4 4 0 1 1
4 5 1 -1 -1
4 9 -1 0 0

Note that the groups can be precompiled, if you know n.

2. Assign labels to the coins

Now, if you have M coins, M<Mmax, instead of assigning them sequential labels, you assign them labels from each group, in order. The first 3 coins get labels from the first group, the next 3 from the second group, and so on. You will have rem=Mmod3 coins left over. If rem=2, assign the last two coins to the members of the next group that start with the digits -1 and 1; if rem=1, then assign the last coin to the member of the next group that starts with 0.

Let’s try some examples. The first group has the labels (1, 11, 12), and the second group has the labels (2, 6, 8). Suppose we have 5 coins. Then we’d assign the first three coins the labels 1, 11, 12, and the last two coins the labels 6 ([1 -1 0]) and 8 ([-1 0 1]).

If we have 4 coins, we’d assign the first three coins the labels 1, 11, 12, and the last coin the label 2 ([0 1 -1]).

3. Weigh the coins according to the weighing schedule.

The weighing schedule is the same as it was before, but now we’re only using some of the labels. Each coin is placed on the scale according to the digits of its label. Here’s the weighing schedule for the first weighing:

Cset = compileC(Fmat)
left table right
8 1 5
9 2 6
10 3 7
12 4 11

So the first weighing of five coins is as follows:

coin1 (1): table
coin2 (11): right
coin3 (12): left
coin4 (6): right
coin5 (8): left

[ {coin3, coin5} | {coin2, coin4} ]

This time, in addition to keeping track of the weighing outcome ai, we also need to keep track of which coins we know to be good, based on the outcome of the weighing. We know that

Let’s suppose the scale tilts right (a[1] = 1). Then we know that the coin on the table, coin1, is good. Now, to the second weighing:

left table right
5 1 2
6 8 3
7 9 4
12 10 11
coin1 (1, good): table
coin2 (11): right
coin3 (12): left
coin4 (6): left
coin5 (8): table

[{coin3, coin 4} | {coin2} ]
coin1, coin5

Oops! Now the scale counts aren’t equal! But we know that coin1 is good, so we can put it in the right pan to equalize the coin counts, without affecting the outcome.

[{coin3, coin 4} | {coin2, coin1} ]

Sometimes the scale count isn’t equal, but none of the coins on the table have been marked good. In that case, find a good coin in the pan with more coins, and put it on the table.

To continue the example, let’s say that the scale again tilts right (a[2] = 1). So now we know that the coin on the table, coin5, is good. On to weighing three.

left table right
2 3 1
5 6 4
10 9 7
11 12 8
coin1 (1, good): right
coin2 (11): left
coin3 (12): table
coin4 (6): table
coin5 (8, good): right

[{coin2} | {coin1, coin5}]
coin3, coin4

Move either of coin1 or coin5 to the table.

[ {coin2} | {coin1} ]
coin3, coin4, coin5

Now this time the scale tilts left (a[3] = -1). We have a = [1 1 -1], which means A=9+31=11. The label 11 corresponds to coin2, and a rotates forward. This means that the dud is coin2, and is heavy.

Let’s confirm that with code.

nrounds = 3
ncoins = 5
coins = numeric(ncoins) + 1 # good coins weigh 1 unit

# precompilation computes both 
# the weighing schedule and the label groups
precompiled = precompile(nrounds)

coins[2] = 1.5
find_dud(coins, precompiled)

## [1] 2

We’ll try 10 coins.

ncoins = 10
coins = numeric(ncoins) + 1

# no dud case
find_dud(coins, precompiled)

## [1] "No dud."

## [1] 0

# 7, light
coins[7] = 0.5
find_dud(coins, precompiled)

## [1] -7

# confirm all possible cases work
for(icoin in 1:ncoins) {
  for(direction in c(-1, 1)) {
    coins = numeric(ncoins) + 1
    coins[icoin] = 1 + 0.5*direction
    actual = icoin*direction
    result = find_dud(coins, precompiled)

This generalizes Dyson’s algorithm. As I said before, it’s not as pretty, but it works.