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Nina B. Zumel

Finding x: or, Back To the Four Weights Problem

I was thinking about the Four Weights problem again recently. You might recall that puzzle poses the question: what are the four weights that can weigh any object x in the (integer) range 1 to 40 on a balance scale?

Illustration of a balance scale and four weights

A balance scale and four weights. Image Source

The puzzle just asks you to find the values of the weights, which are (1,3,9,27). But how do you weigh x—that is, with (an unknown) x in the right-hand pan of the scale, how do you determine the distribution of weights so that the scale balances?

I’m sure if I were the merchant who had to do this every day, I’d quickly get an approximate feel for the weight of any x I handled, and could balance the scale quickly and instinctively. But to write down the procedure in the abstract—it’s probably essentially something like binary search—isn’t pretty. And what’s the point of recreational math, if it isn’t pretty?

So I reduced to a simpler problem: If I know the value of x, how do I balance the scale?

This isn’t a practical question, since if I know x, then I don’t have to weigh the object. But it is kinda pretty. It also brings up a cute little observation about modular arithmetic, and so it felt worth a short writeup. The solution is based on a standard procedure for converting decimal values to a base-n representation. If you are familiar with that procedure, you can skim the next section and/or skip to here. Otherwise, read on.

Converting x to a base-n representation #

Assume you want to represent a nonnegative integer with up to m digits in binary. Recall that m binary digits can represent any number in the range 0:(2m1). This is the pseudo-code.

i = 0        # assume indexing starts at 0
r = zeros(m) # all-zeros vector of length m
if x >= 2^m then throw("x is out of range")

while x > 0
  d = floor(x/2)
  r[i] = x mod 2
  x = d
  i = i+1
return reverse(r)  # so lowest value digit is rightmost

Let’s do it by hand for x=13, using 4 digits (which can represent up to the value 241=15).

13/2 = 6 rem 1 (d = 6, r = 1)
6/2 = 3 rem 0
3/2 = 1 rem 1
1/2 = 0 rem 1

So we have 13 = 1101 in base-2, or (1*8) + (1*4) + (0*2) + (1*1).

For an unsigned trinary representation, the idea is the same, only you divide by 3 instead of 2. Let’s try it with 18, using 4 digits (which can represent up to the value 341=80).

18/3 = 6 rem 0
6/3 = 2 rem 0
2/3 = 0 rem 2

So 18 = 0200 in base-3, or (0*27) + (2*9) + (0*3) + (0*1).

We can write a general function to convert a decimal number x to base-n representation. I’ll do it in R, just because I’ve been doing all my puzzles in R.

# convert x to its unsigned base-n representation
# n: the base
# ndigits: the maximum number of digits
base_n = function(x, n, ndigits) {
  r = numeric(ndigits)
  if(x >= n^ndigits) stop("x is out of range")
  i = 1
  while(x > 0) {
    d = floor(x/n)
    r[i] = x %% n
    x = d
    i = i+1

# convert from unsigned base-n back to decimal
to_decimal = function(r, n) {
  r = rev(r) # put the lowest digit to the leftmost
  ndigits = length(r) 
  x = 0
  for(i in 1:ndigits)
    x = x + r[i] * n^(i-1)
# convert 13 to binary
r = base_n(13, 2, 4)
# confirm this is 13
stopifnot(to_decimal(r, 2)==13)

## [1] 1 1 0 1

# convert 18 to trinary
r = base_n(18, 3, 4)
# confirm this is 18
stopifnot(to_decimal(r, 3)==18)

## [1] 0 2 0 0

Converting x to signed trinary #

Recall that when solving the Four Weights problem, we established that any nonnegative integer value x in the range 1:40 could be represented as


where the weights wi are (1, 3, 9, 27)—we write it smallest-first, consistently with the previous post on this problem—and si{1,0,1}, rather than the {0,1,2} of unsigned trinary. A positive coefficient means the weight goes in the left pan, a negative coefficient means the weight goes in the right pan with x, and 0 means the weight isn’t used.

The four digits still represent 34=81 unique values, but some of them are now negative. For the Four Weights problem, we are only concerned with nonnegative x, of which we can represent 0, plus (341)/2=40 values—the numbers 1:40. So we’ll concentrate on just expressing these nonnegative integers.

To modify the unsigned trinary conversion to a signed one, we use the observation that

This is a bit of an abuse of the notation; but here’s an example of what we are trying to say. We know that

Another way of writing this is

So (when considering only nonnegative x) the pseudo-code for the algorithm becomes:

i = 0  # assume indexing starts at 0
r = zeros(m)
maxval = (3^m - 1)/2
if x > maxval then throw("x is out of range")

while x > 0
  d = floor(x/3)
  r[i] = x mod 3
  if r[i]==2
    d = d+1
    r[i] = -1
  x = d
  i = i+1
return r  # we won't reverse it, to be consistent with our puzzle solution

Let’s convert 18 to signed trinary.

18/3 = 6 rem 0
6/3 = 2 rem 0
2/3 = 0 rem 2 = 1 rem -1
1/3 = 0 rem 1

So 18 = [0 0 -1 1] = (0*1) + (0*3) + (-1*9) + (1*27). In the scale notation that we used while solving the puzzle, we would write this as [{27}|{x,9}], meaning the 27-weight is in the left pan, and the 9-weight is in the right pan with x.

Here’s the code.

# convert nonnegative x to signed trinary
weigh = function(x) {
  if(x > 40) stop("x out of range")
  r = numeric(4)
  i = 1
  while(x > 0) {
    d = floor(x/3)
    r[i] = x %% 3
    if(r[i]==2) {
      d = d+1
      r[i] = -1
    x = d
    i = i+1

# write the signed trinary representation in our scale notation
scale_notation = function(signs) {
  w = c(1, 3, 9, 27)
  lefti = which(signs > 0)
  righti = which(signs < 0)
  leftset = paste(w[lefti], collapse=", ")
  if(length(righti) > 0)
    rightset = paste("x,", paste(w[righti], collapse=", "))
    rightset = "x"
  notation = paste("[ {", leftset, "} | {", rightset, "} ]")

# convert signed trinary back to decimal
to_x = function(signs) {
   w = c(1, 3, 9, 27)
   x = sum(w*signs) # dot product of w and signs

Let’s try a few.

x = 18
signs = weigh(x)
# convert back and check it's the same number
stopifnot(x == to_x(signs))

## [1] "[ { 27 } | { x, 9 } ]"

x = 35
signs = weigh(x)
stopifnot(x == to_x(signs))

## [1] "[ { 9, 27 } | { x, 1 } ]"

x = 15
signs = weigh(x)
stopifnot(x == to_x(signs))

## [1] "[ { 27 } | { x, 3, 9 } ]"

x = 30
signs = weigh(x)
stopifnot(x == to_x(signs))

## [1] "[ { 3, 27 } | { x } ]"

x = 4
signs = weigh(x)
stopifnot(x == to_x(signs))

## [1] "[ { 1, 3 } | { x } ]"

So now we can weigh objects we know the weight of. Hurrah? But I still think it’s cute.