Tagged “Tales of an Antiquary”
Tales of an Antiquary, Volume 3
I've collected three stories from Volume 3 of Richard Thomson's Tales of an Antiquary for you to enjoy! Volume Three covers the period from 1716-1769. The conceit in this volume is that the narrator of Tales, Sylvanus Beauclerk, has discovered the notes...
Tales of an Antiquary, Volume 2
I've collected another three stories from Volume 2 of Tales of an Antiquary, for your reading pleasure. Volume Two relates several extended adventure tales set in and around the English Civil War and Commonwealth Period, a period marked by the fall of the...
Tales of an Antiquary
For the new year, I'm starting a new literary excavation project, which I'll be announcing on Multo soon. Tales of an Antiquary: chiefly illustrative of the manners, traditions, and remarkable localities of ancient London is a three-volume collection of...
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