When I'm not working, I read, write, translate (mostly from Spanish, other times from Filipino), and indulge in what I call "literary sleuthing." I record my progress on these various projects in my many personal blogs.
I dance and choreograph, too.
My Blogs
Multo (Ghost): a blog on things ghostly: reviews of supernatural and weird fiction, essays about folklore and history, and random musings.
Ephemera: a playground for my forays into translation, fiction, personal essay, or any writing that won’t fit my other blogs.
Dark Tales Sleuth: a blog where I document my efforts to track down author and translator attributions for some uncredited supernatural works.
Follow @MultoGhost at Micro.blog to see a feed where I announce my latest blog posts across all my blogs.
Alternately, subscribe to my microblogging site Short Thoughts via RSS.
Special Stuff
Some Ongoing Translation Series: When I have time, I like to find public domain, Spanish language short stories of the supernatural and macabre, and practice translating them.
Folklore articles I’ve written for the #FolkloreThursday blog.
Some articles originally written for the Non Stop Bhangra and Dholrhythms blogs: pieces about Punjabi music, culture and folklore, especially as they relate to Dholrhythms Dance Company and San Francisco's Non Stop Bhangra dance party.
Twelve Medieval Ghost Stories: The Latin text and English translations of ghost stories scribbled on a 12th-13th century manuscript, transcribed by M.R. James and originally published in 1922. The OCR transcriptions and introductory text are from David Mimno's original GitHub repository. I forked it a while back, to reorganize them for better reading online. And then I made a website, as an experiment in creating margin notes instead of footnotes.