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Short Thoughts

What I've Been Up To

I've not been very good about updating this, so here's a little summary of what I've been doing since the last time I posted.

On the technical side, I've written a couple of articles on adjusting linear models to account for what I call "zero-saturation." This was work we did for a client who had some linear models to estimate count data, which of course can't be negative. Their assumption was that zero-counts would be rare in all situations. They aren't. So this work relates to a solution we came up with for them.

On the non-technical side, I indulged myself in a little game of "What if?" with Star Wars, and how the force works.

I also moved my literary sleuthing blog Dark Tales Sleuth away from Wordpress to a static web site (Github Pages). It just made more sense that way. It's a complete migration, including the comments, so that was nice.