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Dark Tales Sleuth

Evening Tales for the Winter, Volume Three

Volume Three was a later addition to what had originally been Tales of Terror (1833); the stories here are mostly fairly prosaic and non-supernatural.

Link to Volume Three at Internet Archive.

Links below will lead to cleaner copies of the stories, usually (but not always) the original source; the scans from Evening Tales are quite dirty.

Unless otherwise indicated, authorship attributions are from ISFDB, and original source information is my research.

Table of Contents and Attributions

Old Adventures: by James Sheridan Knowles. From The Magdalen, and Other Tales (1833).

Love and Authorship: by James Sheridan Knowles. From The Magdalen, and Other Tales (1833).

The Magdalen: by James Sheridan Knowles. From The Magdalen, and Other Tales (1833).

An Old House in the City: by Douglas Jerrold. First published in Blackwood's Magazine, Vol 37 (June, 1835).

Nina Dalgarooki: By Rosina Bulwer Lytton. First published in The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Vol 47 (May, 1836). [Author and source information - Own research]

Sir Hurry Skurry: by John Poole. First published in The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Vol 46 (Jan, 1836).

Marie Marnet. First published in The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Vol 46 (Jan, 1836).

The Prophesy: by James Hobart Caunter. First published in The Court Magazine, and Belle Assemblée, Jan, 1833. [Author and source information - ISDFB]

My Two Aunts: by William Pitt Scargill. First published in The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Vol 39 (Sept, 1833). [Author information -- Tara Challoner, for ISFDB]